
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tomato time

   Our little garden has started yielding tasty treats. Although we ate some radishes, lettuce and sugar snap peas earlier in the season what I have really been waiting for are the tomatoes. I never liked tomatoes growing up.  Always thought they were disgusting until my parents started growing little cherry tomatoes. They were sweet and juicy and weren't like the bland balls of acid in the grocery store.  So when we got a garden, real home grown tomatoes were the first thing I wanted and that is exactly what we are getting.  This is just over a pound of sun gold tomatoes. Yum!

   There is usually one night a week when we are just too tired to cook a proper dinner so we eat frozen pizza. But this week we made the normally rather bland pizza super scrumptious with our own home grown ingredients.  The first ripe tomatoes, a handful of basil and half an onion contributed to making some of the best pizza we have ever had. It tasted so much better knowing we had a hand in growing some of the ingredients. 
   Some of this latest batch of tomatoes will go to our new neighbors as a welcome gift.  They moved in last weekend and we are super happy to have them. That house has not had the best history but we think they will make great additions to our block.  And I was super happy to hear from them that they liked our little garden (which is in the front yard) and hope to grow their own.  To me this means that even though we only started the garden to feed ourselves it ended up showing everyone that we care and it may have helped land us some nice new neighbors. 
   Little things show that you care. So even if you can't afford to paint your house and build the porch of your dreams you can do little things that will improve your house. A new mailbox, unique house numbers or a special plants can bring some life to your house.  So here is my challenge to you: Do one *small* thing this weekend to jazz up your house. It could be anything you like as long as it can be done in a matter of hours and costs less than $50.  Send pictures when you are done and maybe I'll send you some tomatoes.